| Kabul, Afghanistan
posted 5 years ago
Position: Team Members CPP
Nationality: Expatriate
Security Clearance: NV1
The Team Member CPP (CPP TM) is responsible for providing protected mobility and CPP for
Australian Embassy Personnel.
Skills and Experience
The CPP TM must have:
a) served as a member of a personal security detail or a close personal
protection team for at least one (1) year in a high-threat environment
b) previous military or law enforcement experience of not less than five (5)
years with an excellent record of conduct. Must not have a criminal
record and must not have been dishonourably discharged from service
or convicted under the Defence Force Disciplinary Act (1982) (or
equivalent) or terminated from employment
c) relevant CPP or other qualifications obtained in policing or military
roles, and/or relevant CPP or other qualifications or accreditation
obtained through a recognised private sector registered training
d) been trained as a minimum to HLTAID005 First Aid in Remote
Situations competency standard
e) experience with Electronic Countermeasures Equipment
f) drivers licence to operate armoured vehicle and
g) excellent communication skills, with experience in multiple levels of
communication between various levels of management, internal and
a) previous experience working in a diplomatic environment
b) previous in-country experience in a similar capacity and
c) a working knowledge of the local language.
Kabul, Afghanistan
Middle East
This job has now closed
High Threat Environment Training
Security Driver Training
Armoured SUV Training
Weapons Handling Certification
Clean Criminal Record
Valid Passport
Valid Driver's License
Valid Military Discharge Document or DD214
Law Enforcement Background
5 year Employment History
Physical Readiness
HLTAID005 (First Aid in Remote Locations)
NV1 Security Clearance (Australia)