| Kabul, Afghanistan
posted 5 years ago
Position: Project Manager
Nationality: Australian
Security Clearance: Negative Vetting Level 2 (NV2)
The Project Manager (PM) is responsible for the Contract delivery at location and will be the
first in-country point of contact for the Department in all security related matters for this project.
The PM will be accountable for delivering all aspects of the Contract including:
1. contract compliance
2. management of the security guarding services Service Provider Personnel
3. attendance at weekly Regional Security Officer (RSO) meetings and
4. custodian of Contract Performance Framework.
Skills and Experience
The PM must have:
a) at least five (5) years’ experience operating in high risk environments
delivering large security projects overseeing planning and Protective
Security operations including static guarding, personal security,
intelligence, threat assessment and close personal protection
b) previous military or law enforcement experience of not less than 10
years with an excellent record of conduct. Must not have a criminal
record and must not have been dishonourably discharged from service
or convicted under the Defence Force Disciplinary Act (1982) (or
equivalent) or terminated from employment
c) excellent leadership skills
d) experience with developing, and managing project teams
e) experience with risk management including risk management planning
and qualitative risk analysis in accordance with ISO 31000
f) mental health first aid training
g) excellent communication skills, with experience in multiple levels of
communication between various levels of management, internal and
a) previous experience working in a diplomatic environment
b) previous in-country experience in a similar capacity and
c) a working knowledge of the local language.
Kabul, Afghanistan
Middle East
This job has now closed
Weapons Handling Certification
Clean Criminal Record
Valid Passport
Valid Driver's License
Valid Military Discharge Document or DD214
5 year Employment History
High Threat Environment Training
Close Protection Course
Mental Health First Aid Training
NV2 Security Clearance (Australia)